Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kartini Kebaya from Velvet

Just recently we got order from one of our lovely clientele..actually the order was not our cup of tea since it is just a simple model and we have to make it in quite short period -only 7 days-

The model itself is Kartini kebaya..kartini kebaya is simplistic kebaya with kutubaru like what we can see below.

This kebaya are made from velvet. Velvet is pretty to wear but kind of hard to be made because it has to be real tight hence we have to pay attention to detail. Our client choose this color because it is the theme for her niece's wedding. But somehow, we love the color ^^

To make it simple due to limited time, we use ready-to-use butterfly embroidery but to spice things up we add several Czech beads with peacock color 

Finally, this kebaya are still beautiful despite its simplicity because the fabric itself is already rich and the Czech beads make it glamorous 

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